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Russia Key to Global Effort to Save Tigers

At the International Forum on Tiger Conservation hosted in St. Petersburg and championed by Vladimir Putin in November to support efforts to save the world’s tigers.

Agreements were signed by a dozen help in the conservation effort.

Vladimir Putin, Leonardo DiCaprio

Vladimir Putin and Leonardo DiCaprio discuss tigers in St. Petersburg


Over 200 million dollars were pledged including $1 million from activist actor Leonardo DiCaprio. “Here, in Russia, we call such a person a ‘real man,” spoke Putin regarding DiCaprio difficult journey to attend teh conference.

The Amur tiger in Putin’s Russia has made an impressive recovery from fewer than 30 in 1945 to about 500 today. It is evidence that the animal can recover if supported by political will and public awareness.

More discussion on tigers in the Forum

Siberian Amur Tigers in snow

Siberian Amur Tigers in snow


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